Burn out pen

✔ Work with high accuracy

✔ Minimum number of claims

✔ Fast on the spot

Few problems are more disturbing than a stuck pen in your industrial application; if this defect needs to be fixed quickly, burning it out is the only option. At A.C.W. Holland we have the equipment, the knowledge and experience to do this effectively and efficiently for you. Our craftsmen use specialist tools such as cutting torches and thermal lances for this job to limit burnout to just the defective pin. Once this is completed, a replacement part can be installed immediately. Ideal anyway?

Burn out a pen: when speed is of the essence

If you have plenty of time, you may prefer to take your installation apart to replace parts. However, your machine is in use, then every moment that it stops is extremely precious. So in such moments you can opt for it burn out of a defective pen or any other broken part. The professionals of A.C.W. Holland will arrange this quickly, effective and precise for you. Our company prides itself on personal, quick service, regardless of your problem. How can we be of service to you?

Many services, a company

As an all-round weld- and construction company is A.C.W. Holland extremely versatile. So we can next to it using our cutting equipment for rush jobs also manufacturing, renovate maintenance and other types of metalwork for you. In our workshop but also on location, we have facilities for the mechanized welding and cutting made of metal. This allows us to cut or manufacture custom work for you with the utmost precision. Interested? Then call 0031 (0)10 262 4996 of 0031 (0) 78 820 0283. Our friendly staff are ready to assist you with all your welding- and construction jobs!

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